Cardiac Sciences

The Cardiologists- Who They Are and What They Do?

Cardiologists, in a layman’s language, are doctors who treat the heart and blood vessels. Rightly so. They are heart specialists who specialises in diagnosing, treating, and working on the heart conditions of their patients.

Cardiologists study the complex discipline of Cardiology after they have completed their study as a doctor. They study the working of the human heart, its intricacies, and the diseases that might affect the very organ that keeps us going. The best Cardiologist in India goes through a rigorous training designed especially for heart surgeons to aid the patients and other doctors in dealing with issues relating to heart health.

With the exponentially increasing risk of heart diseases, cardiologic care is a branch of medicine that requires a lot of attention.

What do they do?

Most patients, when they see symptoms such as increased anxiety, shortness of breath, heartburns, electrocardiogram changes, heart murmurs, chest pains and excessive sweating, they refer to a primary physician. This physician recommends a cardiologist if the patient seems at the risk of a heart condition. This is where the patient approaches a heart specialist for further diagnosis.


A Cardiologist performs tests such as ECGs, blood work, x-rays, and further diagnosis on the patient to learn about the condition. They also study the entire medical history of the patient and examines weight, heart, blood pressure as well. Then they find the best method possible to treat the conditions such as heart failure, heart rhythm disturbances, and heart attacks. One needs a heart specialist to perform procedures such as various heart surgeries, cardiac catheterization, and balloon angioplasty.

In the past few years, cardiologic care in India has reached new heights and best heart surgeons in India have successfully been able to do complex heart transplants as well as other intricate operations, which can even lead to the death of the patient.