Liver Disease

Liver Cancer: Causes, Its Types, Survival Rate, and More

Liver cancer is a kind of cancer which starts in the liver of a person. Some of the liver cancers develop outside the liver and then spread to the area. However, only cancers which start in the liver is termed as liver cancer.

Causes of liver cancer:

According to the cancer hospital in Delhi, the actual or exact causes of liver cancer are not known. However, most of the cases of liver cancer are usually linked to the scarring of the liver which is also known as cirrhosis. According to a study, hepatitis C is considered to be the most common cause of liver cancer. The other causes of liver cancer include the following:

  1. People with type 2 diabetes as well as hepatitis are said to be falling prey to liver cancer.
  2. Liver cancer is also caused to the people who have a family history of the same.
  3. Too much consumption of alcohol is also considered to be causing liver cancer.
  4. Another cause of liver cancer is long-term exposure to aflatoxins which is a substance made by fungus.
  5. In many cases, low immunity directly causes to the development of liver cancer in the body.
  6. Being obese is also said to be associated with a greater risk of liver cancer.

Types of liver cancer:

According to a cancer hospital in Delhi, different types of primary liver cancer originate from various cells which make up the liver. It starts in the form of a single lump. Sometimes, cancer starts in many places with the liver at the same time.

The major types of liver cancer are hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, liver angiosarcoma, and hepatoblastoma.

Diagnosis of liver cancer:

Liver cancer treatment in India is possible if the problem has been diagnosed at an early stage. The doctor first finds out about the medical history of a person after which the following tests are performed:

  1. Blood tests
  2. Tests for viral hepatitis
  3. Imaging scans
  4. Laparoscopy
  5. Biopsy

Survival rate:

Liver treatment in India has become a possible affair. The 5-year survival rate of liver cancer is 18 percent respectively. The survival rate of liver cancer usually depends upon a number of factors including the stage of the disease, treatment, and response to the treatment.

Additional Read : Early Symptoms of Liver Diseases – Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic

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