Kidney Transplant

The Cost of Kidney Transplant In India

Organ transplant has become quite a famous surgical procedure, thanks to regular portrayal in movies and TV shows. Unlike those, however, it isn’t always an easy scenario, and neither is the ending always a happy one.

For any medical procedure to be a success, you need to make sure you get the best help from medical professionals all over the world.

Same goes for Kidney transplants. For such a complicated surgery, it’s imperative you find the best kidney transplant hospital in India.

International patients are flocking to India for kidney transplants

Even internationally, people from all around the world are flooding to India due to low kidney transplant cost in the country. Even with such low costs, there isn’t a compromise in the quality of the procedure or any lack of experience in the doctors.

Hospitals in India also offer cutting-edge clinical solutions, usually new and extremely well maintained. Also on offer is remarkable patient care, beautiful infrastructure, etc.

Why do people need a kidney transplant?

Kidneys are very important organs for the body. They are responsible for eliminating waste fluids from our systems.

Sometimes, kidneys get damaged or are weakened due to some reason. As such, there is a build-up of excess toxic wastes in the body that can’t be expelled. In order for the body to return back to its normal state, surgeons remove the damaged kidney and replace it with a healthy one attained from a donor.

A kidney transplant is usually only performed on an individual with a critical kidney disease, infection, or in an event of kidney failure. For any other reason, a patient can survive by dialysis.

A complete kidney transplant costs a lot cheaper especially when compared internationally. While the actual cost might vary based on the kidney hospital, its infrastructure, even the surgeon.

The average cost would run up to over $10,000. In the US, such a procedure would reach an excess of $50,000.

Also Read – Facts and Myths You Should Know About Kidney Transplant

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