Breast Cancer

What are the side effects of breast enlargement surgery?

Breast enlargement, also known as breast augmentation, is a surgical procedure done for increasing the breast size. The process involves the insertion of artificial implants, known as breast implants, beneath the chest muscles. Whilst there are numerous reasons for women to get a breast enlargement surgery, like appearance, reduced breast size after breastfeeding, mastectomy, and more, one must never overlook the risks it brings along.

Let’s have a quick look over some of the most common side-effects of a breast enlargement surgery:

  1. Asymmetry

However successful the surgery might be in terms of increasing the breast size, there is a high chance that both the breasts might not be in the alignment like they were naturally.

  • Calcium Deposits

In some cases, women have reported experiencing the formation of calcium deposits near their breast implants. You might mistake these lumps for cancer growth.

  • Deflation

Even after proper care, there might be a slight chance that your breast implants rupture and suffer leakage. Whilst in some types, the saline solution will flush out of your body during urination, the silicone gel’s solution remains in the breast pocket, which is unhealthy. Therefore, people who have undergone breast enlargement surgery must regularly get health checkups for tracking implant ruptures.

  • Hematoma

Hematoma is a medical condition in which blood begins to collect near the surgical site soon after the operation is done. Besides that, it can also happen when the operated area undergoes an injury. Whilst your body might absorb smaller hematomas, only surgery can cure the larger ones.

Other than these side-effects, the patient might also experience breast pain, irritation, delayed wound healing, infection, inflammation, deformed chest wall, bruising, rash, wrinkling, etc. Not in every case will the patient encounter such complications, but each person should remain fully aware of the risks of a breast augmentation surgery. You can also take doctor appointment if you are confused in whether to go for it or not, i think a doctor can clear all your doubts.

Breast Cancer

The best breast specialist doctor in delhi

The need for good breast specialists in India is growing day by day. For long, women have not paid detailed attention to awareness for breast cancer and other problems. It is gradually changing in the country, especially Delhi, and that is a good sign. It is important to find a good breast specialist and this is how you can do it.

  1. Consult your general physician

General physicians usually have a deep insight into the doctors who are actually worth their name. He or she might be able to suggest a good breast specialist doctor in Delhi to help you with your search. It is also important to take suggestions from them because they are bound to work together on your case.

  • Specified certifications

A qualified breast specialist doctor in Delhi will have all of his or her documents up to date and certificates in place. it is always better to make sure that the doctor has all the certificates required by the board of medicine and surgery to which he/ she is related.

  • Reputation

The best breast specialist doctor in Delhi should have a high standing reputation in the community. His or her reputation should be evident from the feedback of the past patients as well as other medical professionals.

  • Years of practice

It will serve you good if you get to know how long the doctor has been practicing as a breast specialist doctor in Delhi. Though the number of yours are not absolute indicators of a good doctor, but a decent medical practitioner can continue for long only if he/she lives up to his/her name.

These are the general remarks of highly experienced breast specialist doctors in Delhi. Once you get these out of the way while picking out a doctor, you are sure to land up with a good one.

Breast Cancer

What are the Best Cancer Hospital in India to be considered for treatment

Cancer is a dreadful disease which is the abnormal growth of cells anywhere in the body. According to research, about 70 percent of the deaths in the world are due to lung cancer. This instills the intensity of the condition. Anyone with this life-threatening disease needs the right care from the right hospital. With various prejudices and notions in mind finding the best cancer hospital in India can be a tedious job. To make your job easy here is a rundown list of the best cancer hospitals in India. These hospitals are at the top of the list when it comes to the latest techniques, cutting-edge tech, world-renowned oncology specialists, and comprehensive care.

  1. Max super specialty hospital, Saket, Delhi
  2. Tata Memorial Government Hospital (Mumbai)
  3. Fortis Malar Private Hospital (Chennai)
  4. Apollo Hospitals Private Hospital (Chennai)
  5. KIDWAI Memorial Institute of Oncology Government Hospital, Bengaluru
  6.  AIIMS (New Delhi)
  7. Columbia Asia Hospital (Bengaluru)
  8. Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital (Hyderabad)
  9. Yashoda Cancer Institute, Telangana
  10. Adyar Cancer Institute (Chennai)
  11. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre (New Delhi)

The astounding growth of medical sciences over the past decade has taken treatment in India to the next level to combat the disease. In the field of science and technology, India has made remarkable achievements and these hospitals are sure a part of this success as they provide the patients with great care and support in fighting cancer. 

Max super specialty hospital, Saket, Delhi For cancer patients, Max super specialty hospital gives holistic care with the best of all three specialists in Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, and Medical Oncology under the same cloak. They are the first in northern India to acquire NovalisTx for IMRT/IGRT, HIPEC, and SRS/SRT. Also, they are proud owners of an advanced Da Vinci XI Robotic System for treating complex conditions like cancers. Max super specialty hospital is the best cancer hospital in India for the best care for cancer patients.

Breast Cancer

Understanding Most Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most familiar form of cancer among women all over the world. The number of breast cancers is soaring every day among Indian women as well, with over 150,000 cases diagnosed every year. Research shows most Indian women who are detected with breast cancer do not have any knowledge about the disease; therefore, the cancer is detected at an advanced stage. The detection of breast cancer at an advanced stage decreases the survival rate and treatment options for the patients.

Breast cancer can be cured with some general awareness among women which help them to understand the symptoms at an early stage. To detect breast cancer at an early stage is also possible through MRI mammograms, X-Ray mammograms and also Breast Biopsy, which detect not only the type of tumour but also receptor status. It is essential to know the most common symptoms of cancer which will help in breast cancer treatment. A few primary symptoms are-

  • Hard lumps in the breast or in the armpit that have developed suddenly
  • Sudden change in the shape and size of one or both breasts
  • Fluid from the nipple
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Swelling of an arm
  • Skin ulcers
  • Bone pain
  • Discomfort or pain in the breast

Although it is difficult to detect breast cancer at an early stage yet awareness and to know the symptoms is the key for early breast cancer treatment and to increase the survival rate. It is crucial to reach out to a breast cancer specialist for proper treatment, and Max Healthcare is one of the best healthcare centres of the country at current times. They have the best-equipped doctors with international level expertise to provide the highest standards of treatment at a fraction of international costs. Treating breast cancer is a crucial stage for any patient and seeking treatment outside the country can mentally and physically be challenging. Max Healthcare includes all the advanced treatments from breast surgery to breast reconstruction after surgery; therefore; you can completely lay your trust on this healthcare institute.

Breast Cancer

Spotting the Early Signs of Breast Cancer

Being aware of how your breasts usually look and feel is an essential part of breast health. Even though getting frequent screening tests for breast cancer is necessary, mammograms do not detect every type of breast cancer. It means you should be aware of changes in your breasts and know all the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Most importantly, it allows you to acquire a suitable breast cancer treatment without wasting time.

Early Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer

The most common breast cancer symptom that you can notice is a new lump or mass. It’s a painless and hard mass that has uneven edges. However, breast cancer can also be painful, soft, tender, and round. Due to this reason, it’s vital to get regular checkups by an experienced health care provider, when you notice a new breast lump, mass, or change.

Other potential symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • Swelling in different parts of the breast or all even if you can’t feel a lump.
  • Skin dimpling that appears like an orange peel sometimes.
  • Nipple retraction.
  • Unusual breast or nipple pain.
  • Nipple discharge apart from breast milk.
  • Nipple or breast skin is dry, red, thickened, or flaking.
  • Swollen lymph nodes. At times, breast cancer can spread to lymph nodes around the collar bone or under the arm that can cause a lump or swelling, even before the original tumor in the breast is massive enough to be detected.


For most of you, the severe breast can be the first symptom of cancer. However, if you have any of these symptoms that stress you, ensure to visit your doctor right away. A screening test can assist you in finding breast cancer at an early stage. Once you detect cancer early, the chance of acquiring a successful breast cancer treatment increases rapidly.