Breast Cancer

Understanding Most Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most familiar form of cancer among women all over the world. The number of breast cancers is soaring every day among Indian women as well, with over 150,000 cases diagnosed every year. Research shows most Indian women who are detected with breast cancer do not have any knowledge about the disease; therefore, the cancer is detected at an advanced stage. The detection of breast cancer at an advanced stage decreases the survival rate and treatment options for the patients.

Breast cancer can be cured with some general awareness among women which help them to understand the symptoms at an early stage. To detect breast cancer at an early stage is also possible through MRI mammograms, X-Ray mammograms and also Breast Biopsy, which detect not only the type of tumour but also receptor status. It is essential to know the most common symptoms of cancer which will help in breast cancer treatment. A few primary symptoms are-

  • Hard lumps in the breast or in the armpit that have developed suddenly
  • Sudden change in the shape and size of one or both breasts
  • Fluid from the nipple
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Swelling of an arm
  • Skin ulcers
  • Bone pain
  • Discomfort or pain in the breast

Although it is difficult to detect breast cancer at an early stage yet awareness and to know the symptoms is the key for early breast cancer treatment and to increase the survival rate. It is crucial to reach out to a breast cancer specialist for proper treatment, and Max Healthcare is one of the best healthcare centres of the country at current times. They have the best-equipped doctors with international level expertise to provide the highest standards of treatment at a fraction of international costs. Treating breast cancer is a crucial stage for any patient and seeking treatment outside the country can mentally and physically be challenging. Max Healthcare includes all the advanced treatments from breast surgery to breast reconstruction after surgery; therefore; you can completely lay your trust on this healthcare institute.

Breast Cancer

Spotting the Early Signs of Breast Cancer

Being aware of how your breasts usually look and feel is an essential part of breast health. Even though getting frequent screening tests for breast cancer is necessary, mammograms do not detect every type of breast cancer. It means you should be aware of changes in your breasts and know all the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Most importantly, it allows you to acquire a suitable breast cancer treatment without wasting time.

Early Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer

The most common breast cancer symptom that you can notice is a new lump or mass. It’s a painless and hard mass that has uneven edges. However, breast cancer can also be painful, soft, tender, and round. Due to this reason, it’s vital to get regular checkups by an experienced health care provider, when you notice a new breast lump, mass, or change.

Other potential symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • Swelling in different parts of the breast or all even if you can’t feel a lump.
  • Skin dimpling that appears like an orange peel sometimes.
  • Nipple retraction.
  • Unusual breast or nipple pain.
  • Nipple discharge apart from breast milk.
  • Nipple or breast skin is dry, red, thickened, or flaking.
  • Swollen lymph nodes. At times, breast cancer can spread to lymph nodes around the collar bone or under the arm that can cause a lump or swelling, even before the original tumor in the breast is massive enough to be detected.


For most of you, the severe breast can be the first symptom of cancer. However, if you have any of these symptoms that stress you, ensure to visit your doctor right away. A screening test can assist you in finding breast cancer at an early stage. Once you detect cancer early, the chance of acquiring a successful breast cancer treatment increases rapidly.

Breast Cancer

Answering Your Question – What Happens When Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment Stops Working?

his burning question is begged when one or two or even more treatments have been applied but fails to improve a metastatic breast cancer condition and symptoms get more tensed. While panic sets in at this stage, the right thing to do is to figure out what your best bet is plus have your question answered to determine a way forward.

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Breast Cancer Treatment

Treatment options for metastatic breast cancer include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and hormonal therapy- procedures mostly applied. Targeted therapies are also applied in certain cases to complement major therapies.

How do you know treatment stops working?

In a bid and quest to savage, treatments are applied to minimize cancer symptoms and more importantly cure it. Some of the effects include chronic pain, breast lump and thickening, nipple discharge, nausea, difficulty in breathing.

These symptoms and effects get worse or don’t improve when treatment for breast cancer stops working. Lumps and growth get bigger. Nipple drips more often than before. And pain gets more tensed.

What to do when a treatment stops working?

It is disappointing when you find out your treatment stops. But keep in mind it’s not the end of the world. When all bets seem to be off, the right thing to do is to see your doctor examine your case- run, further diagnose and do a biopsy. New treatments or a combination of two or more therapies may be recommended. The idea of multiple treatments is to target different side effects with different options. There are also treatments developed by breast cancer specialists through clinical trials. These treatments tend to work where others fail.

While metastatic breast cancer is devastating, there’s hope- thanks to the fact that treatment approaches with a high rate of success are available. So, all you have to do is just hang in there and keep your fingers crossed.