kidney Stones Surgery

Three Ways to Treat Your Kidney Stones

Kidney stones or renal lithiasis are the hard deposits made up of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. The causes of this health condition are many and the same could affect any part of the urinary tract of your body. The stones in the kidneys are often formed when the urine becomes concentrated which later allows the minerals to crystallize and stick together with each other. Your urology doctor suggests a number of ways to treat the problem of kidney stones from the body.

The method of passing the kidney stones through urine is considered to be a painful affair; however, these stones do not cause any permanent damage when recognized at the earliest. Depending upon the gravity and situation of kidney stone, your urology doctor might suggest you follow a pain medication and to further drink enough water in order to pass the kidney stone.

In other cases, the following types of kidney stone surgeries are performed:


Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy makes the use of sound waves in order to break the large stones so that they could pass down easily from the ureters to the bladder. This procedure could be a little uncomfortable in nature and may require the administration of anaesthesia.

2. Tunnel surgery:

Under this form of kidney stone surgery, a surgeon removes the stones via a small incision on the back. This procedure is needed when the stone causes infection and obstruction or the same is damaging your kidneys. It is also used when the stone has grown very large and it becomes difficult to pass.
3. Ureteroscopy:

This form of kidney stone surgery is performed when the stone is stuck in the bladder or ureter. A small wire along with a camera is attached and inserted into the urethra and the same is passed into the bladder. The urology surgeon then makes the use of a small cage to remove the stone. These procedures to treat kidney stone have become very common in the present times.

Additional Read: Answering Your Question – What Are the Steps of Kidney Transplantation?